

Jun 25, 2023

Clarks Fork River fence modification project need volunteers

Each year a group of conservationists gather on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge to clear needless barbed-wire fences

Volunteers are needed for a fence modification project to benefit big game herds in the Clarks Fork Yellowstone River watershed on Sept. 16, National Public Lands Day.

The Bureau of Land Management Cody Field Office and the Absaroka Fence Initiative will partner with the community for the work.

Volunteers are needed to modify fences along the Clarks Fork Yellowstone River to benefit wildlife.

Volunteers are needed from 9 a.m. to noon. Wear good work shoes or boots, long sleeves and pants, work gloves and eye protection. Gaiters can help protect legs in sagebrush. Bring fence pliers and wire cutters if you have them. Some fencing tools will be available.

This project is suitable for the whole family. All participants will receive lunch, a National Public Lands Day T-shirt and an AFI hat. In order to have an accurate headcount for lunch, register for the event at

Volunteers will meet at 9 a.m. at the Clarks Fork Canyon parking area. To reach the project area from Cody, drive north on the Belfry Highway (Wyoming State Highway 120) for approximately 29 miles and turn west on Clarks Fork Canyon Road (County Road 8VC). Head west on Clarks Fork Canyon Road for approximately 11 miles and park at the end of the county road at the mouth of the canyon.

For more information, visit, follow @absarokafenceinitiative and @BLMWyoming on Facebook, email [email protected] or call the Cody Field Office at 307-578-5900.

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Each year a group of conservationists gather on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge to clear needless barbed-wire fences

The toughest deer in the West are found wintering outside of Cody, Wyoming.

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